I love quilts, especially antique quilts, either applique or pieced,
and I want to share my journeys in quilting !

But, my "Threads and Treasures" sometimes include embroidery, painting, or spinning wool
and weaving

It is great that you are visiting, and I hope you feel at home here.
I would love it if you left a comment.

My website is www.janequilter.uk

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Frosty views and folded star

Just for a change I decided to finish a folded star (also called Somerset patchwork) coaster that I had started years ago. All it needed was a ribbon round it, and now I have something for Christmas.

After the snow almost disappeared we had a lot of fog, and the next day everything was white, after a hard frost. I like getting up in the morning to see a white world! This is the view from the kitchenwindow.
But the birds are not quite so happy with it, so I give them some food several times a day. By now I get 5 robins, 5 male and 2 female blackbirds, two thrushes, and numerous finches, wagtails and of course sparrows.
The bluetits, coaltits and greattits have their own 'playstation' with sunflower seeds, fatballs, peanuts, and a coconut shell with homemade filling (fat, raisins, seeds and, oh the irony of it, finely ground catfood !!). They love it, especially as there is a huge dogwood bush next to it, so they all sit in there waiting their turn. There are dozens of them!
The robins always likes to try and get some of all these things, and love to sit there.

Now it is time to make some coffee, with mince pies - lovely and cosy by the logburner! And then some applique on my Baltimore border.....
Have a great day!


Carin said...

Wat een mooi quiltje !! En wat zijn die vogel foto's geweldig !!

Guusje, said...

Wat een mooie quilt en wat een mooie volgels. Die roodborstjes zijn zo mooi om van dichtbij te zien ik heb er ook steeds eentje om me heen.

Hennie said...

Je kerst quiltje is erg mooi geworden. De vogels kunnen inderdaad wel wat voer gebruiken ik heb ook al van alles in de boom en het vogelvoederhuisje hangen.
Fijn weekend Hennie.

Annemieke said...

Je coaster is erg mooi.Gezellig om iets speciaal voor kerst te maken. Ik ben er meestal te laat voor. Jou uitzicht is geweldig! Het zal vast koud zijn want normaal zijn roodborstjes graag alleen en willen geen andere in de buurt. Ik ben ook altijd blij als ik ze zie.

Teresa said...

Hi Jane... I just returned a comment to you and discovered you are a no reply blogger... here is part of what I said..."I have enjoyed reading your blog immensely! It looks so beautiful and cold over there where you live. It is so hot here today. Looks like we are in for a hot and humid Christmas (as usual!!!). I absolutely love your Baltimore quilt and have always wanted to make one. I ALSO love, love, love your Dear Jane. This is a quilt I have started a year back, but put on hold for the last few months. I must get the blocks out and make some more. It is so beautiful finished.
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, that way I got the chance to see yours and I had so much fun visiting. Enjoy your snow and cold weather... and have a wonderful weekend,".... If you get the chance I can show you how to change that so people can email you straight back after you leave a comment on their blog. Best wishes, Teresa

annemieke said...

Mooi quiltje is wel grappig. Sommige familie-leden wonen ook in de county of Somerset.
Groetjes Annemieke.

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