I love quilts, especially antique quilts, either applique or pieced,
and I want to share my journeys in quilting !

But, my "Threads and Treasures" sometimes include embroidery, painting, or spinning wool
and weaving

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I would love it if you left a comment.

My website is www.janequilter.uk

Friday, 17 December 2010

Snow and letters of gold...

These past few days I have been stitching and embroidering like mad. All that for a Christmas Tree skirt. Before last year I had never heard of such a thing, but then I bought the Irish Quilting magazine, and there it was.
Here is a little peep:
This is the centre, not completed yet, and all around are letters, you can just see a few.
It was one of the attractions of this pattern for me. I just love letters in pictures. Perhaps that's why I like samplers so much? And Baltimore? And medieval Psalters... Letters add meaning and mystery.
The letters on this tree skirt are the last two lines from an old Irish Christmas Blessing:
"The joy of a thousand angels to you.
The love of the Son and God's peace to you."
And, oh what joy...In my shoe box with lots of gold threads I found exactly the right one to stitch these letters. It is black, with gold woven through it. At first sight it looks like one of those threads that take 10 years from your life, but... it behaves like a lamb - the perfect find. It is called 'Gold Rush', and I bought it at least 20 years ago in a sale, I don't even know if they still make it.

By now I have finished the embroidery, so I can sew the whole thing together. This afternoon the tree is coming in, it is sitting in the garage after my Beloved dug it up at a tree farm on Monday.
In the meantime, everyone, is gathering round the crib. There is the devout Welsh lady, and the French couple, and the Mennonites.

The crowd gets bigger every year.

There are lots more 'critters' on the slate mantelpiece, but they will have to wait for a photo till next time.
Because now I am off to sew the skirt together.
Just a quick look at a corner of the garden,

and our plough, which always looks nice, but especially in the snow.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Jane, just love your Christmas tree skirt. I use an old quilt for my tree this year. You have inspired me to come up with one of my own for next year. The snow look just beautiful. I do truly miss it here in San Antonio, TX. Just a green Christmas for us, we are thankful anyways. Happy holidays to you and yours.


Guusje, said...

Hij wordt erg mooi. Het is een prachtig patroon. En wat een mooie foto's laat je zien en de crowd wordt steeds leuker.

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